For English Readers.
I'm a Shanghai based game developer specializing in Unity3D. I did a lot of AS3/Python/JavaScript/C/Lua development in the past.
Here's a list of free games I made:
- dis_covery 17th Overall in Ludum Dare 19.
- LaserDodge3k FlashPunk Compo entry.
- BFTL 74th Fun in Ludum Dare 22.
- detective story Mandarin text adventure for Global Game Jam 2014.
- desitka an original match 3 games with a twist.
- Starry Night local-vs platformer for Shanghai Game Jam #2.
- Super Merio Rampage a mario clone with bullet time.
- What? a Contra clone for Xiamen Game Jam.
Programming Projects
Here's a list of my programming projects:
- clumsy a interactive network shaper for Windows.
- Unity3D Runtime Debug Draw Debug.Draw that works in builds.
- pprint.lua yet another lua pretty printer.
- Brogue Chinese Translate Brogue the roguelike translated build.